FEC - traduction vers russe
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FEC - traduction vers russe

Fec; FEC (disambiguation)

сокр. от forward error corection
обнаружение и исправление ошибок в месте приема
forward error correction
прямое исправление ошибок

общая лексика

Forward Error Correction

прямая коррекция ошибок (упреждающее исправление ошибок)

класс методов для контроля ошибок при односторонней передаче в телекоммуникационных системах. С данными передается дополнительная информация для проверки и исправления данных


Forward Error Correction (Reference: GSM, mobile-systems)



FEC may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour FEC
1. before the FEC, or give a speech to supporters on the
Stephen Colbert _ America Again - Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't _ Talks at Google
2. FEC or at, uh, you know uh, uh, the House of Representatives, where you could go into
Wikileaks and the Age of Transparency _ Micah Sifry _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour FEC
1. FEC at http÷//www.cadc.uscourts.gov/bin/opinions/allopinions.asp
2. Former candidates also filed FEC reports Thursday.
3. "For all of the complaints about the FEC, when it comes to campaign finance law, it is the enforcement agency," said Lawrence Noble, a former FEC general counsel.
4. Such activity, the FEC said, could only be conducted by political committee registered with the FEC that abide by contribution limits and public disclosure requirements.
5. Obama‘s campaign requested that the FEC rule within 20 days.